Body Work
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Seams are ground and taped and awaiting filling.
Picture of the seams before any grinding.
Seams ground out with a 4 1/2" angle grinder with 80 grit sandpaper.  Gel coat line removed with Dremmel Tool. 
Derrick helping out with removing the gel coat stripe.
View from underneath. 
Taped off the seams before applying the 3M Blister Repair.
After I let the repair filler set for 2 weeks, I applied Rage Gold to fare out the seam areas.
I block sanded the seams to fare the Rage Gold.  It took a couple of applications to build it up nicely.  I thought they turned out pretty good for someone without any body work experience! 
Body is at Gary's Customs in Newport News.  Here is the primered body awaiting more block sanding.