Go-Kart Prep
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Here's a picture of the completed trunk aluminum.  I cut a hole in the trunk so that I would be able to access the battery a little easier.  I still need to fabricate a little cover to go over the hole.  Getting the aluminum trunk floor in was a real pain and I scratched up the frame pretty good.  Fortunately I had some left over POR 15 to touch it up.   
I ran the battery cutoff switch wiring through the floor paneling.  I used rubber grommets that I purchased from Napa to go around the battery cables.  You can also see the fuse that I have attached across the terminals.
I like the way the riveted aluminum looks so here's another picture of it. 
I finally got around to shortening the brake pedal.  My friend Roy welded it for me.  Can't tell the difference in the picture because it is now mounted in the lower bolt hole on the pedal box.
I ended up buying a new accelerator pedal and covers from Mike Mack at Tri-State Motorsports.  The throttle response is much better and they look nicer too!